Table. 6.

Table. 6.

Experience with exercise, treatment, and prevention education for musculoskeletal pain

Variable N (%)

Yes No No response
Exercise 132 (63.1) 73 (34.9) 4 (1.9)
Gym (strength training) 50 (37.8)
Yoga 10 (7.6)
Posture correction exercises 36 (27.2)
Walking exercise 22 (16.7)
Etc. 14 (10.6)
Treatment experience 165 (78.9) 37 (17.7) 7 (3.34)
Oriental medicine clinic 16 (9.7)
Orthopedic clinic 28 (16.9)
Pain relief patches (medication) 37 (22.4)
Massage 84 (50.9)
Preventive education 25 (12.0) 178 (85.2) 3 (1.44)
Int J Clin Prev Dent 2024;20:175-80
© 2024 Int J Clin Prev Dent