Table. 1.

Table. 1.

General characteristics

Division Frequency
Gender Male 5 (2.5)
Female 195 (97.5)
Grade 1 40 (20.0)
2 50 (25.0)
3 110 (55.0)
Age <25 142 (68.6)
25≥ 58 (31.4)
Radiation safety education Participation 142 (71.0)
Nonappearance 58 (29.0)
Clinical practice experience Participation 125 (60.4)
Nonappearance 75 (39.6)
Basic knowledge of radiation Radiation is a type of energy. Participation 184 (92.3)
Nonappearance 16 (7.7)
Radiation and radioactivity are the same. Participation 71 (34.3)
Nonappearance 129 (65.7)
Half-life is the period of time required for radioactivity to be reduced by half. Participation 154 (77.8)
Nonappearance 46 (22.2)
X-rays used when examining patients in hospitals are a type of radiation. Participation 199 (99.5)
Nonappearance 1 (0.5)
Even in our daily lives, we are exposed to natural radiation. Yes 176 (88.0)
No 24 (15.0)
The more radiation passes through thick walls, the greater the impact it has on the human body. Yes 190 (95)
No 10 (2.0)
Radiation knowledge level and awareness level People don’t know much about radiation. Not at all 7 (3.5)
Not so 15 (7.5)
It’s normal 101 (50.5)
Yes 69 (33.3)
Very yes 8 (34.5)
I don’t know much about radiation. Not at all 12 (6.0)
Not so 41 (20.5)
It’s normal 104 (52.0)
Yes 41 (20.5)
Very much so 2 (1.0)

Values are presented as person number (%).

Int J Clin Prev Dent 2024;20:136-43
© 2024 Int J Clin Prev Dent