Table. 3.

Table. 3.

Factor and reliability analysis of dental hygienists on performance

Mc Dt Bm
Measurement of vital signs identify and record the patient’s condition .853 .225 .010
Know and perform appropriate procedures after surgery .847 .087 .308
Fully understand and prepare the treatment plan before treatment .807 .362 .135
Appropriately responds to emergencies that occur during treatment .773 .303 .191
Patient’s condition (taking medical history, oral health, etc.) grasp .145 .849 .165
Know and perform the dental biofilm management process .277 .806 .125
Perform scaling tasks according to patient characteristics .183 .799 .288
Know and perform topical fluoride application methods and principles .376 .773 .131
To ensure smooth supply of medical supplies, drugs, management .162 .098 .854
Inspect employees’ work attitudes and provide practical training support .032 .202 .842
Medical data and documents (medical records, materials thoroughly managed .207 .162 .786
Thoroughly manage and store medical data and documents .167 .211 .777
Eigenvalue 3.413 3.383 3.165
Explanation variance (%) 26.442 21.331 18.559
Cumulative variance (%) 26.442 47.773 65.332
Cronbach’s alpha .906 .902 .875

Dt: dental treatment, Mc: medical cooperation, Bm: business management.

Int J Clin Prev Dent 2024;20:77-83
© 2024 Int J Clin Prev Dent