Recommend tooth-brushing method according to patient age or oral status
Patient state | Characteristic | Recommended method | Site | Device tooth-brush | Effect |
General | No specific problems over age 7 | Rolling |
Buccal/Lingual |
Medium hardness | Plaq.Rem |
Preschool | Under age 6 | Fones’ (circular) |
Lab/Buccal |
Smal. size | Easy |
Perio. Problem | Local.Gingivi Perio pocket | M. Bass | Gingival sulcus | 2-lane brush | Sulcus cl. |
Gingivitis | Wide gingivitis | M. Stillmans | Gingival | Soft bru | Ging. Ma |
Hypersen. | Premolar. Can | Rolling | Cervical abrasi. | Soft des | Desensit. |
Bridge wearer | Interdental |
M. Charters | Br.tip -45 dege. |
Zig-zag B. |
Prox. Cle |
Fixed Orthodo. appliance | Bracket site |
Horiz.+Charters |
Labial/Buccal |
Concave head. |
Bracket cleaning |
Implant. | Interdental | Watanabe, T.Pik | Proximal | 2lane Br | Periimpl. |
Denture wearer | Partial denture |
Modif. Rolling | Partial denture |
Part.Bru |
Denture |
Perio.probl: periodontal problem patient, Orthodo: orthodontics, Gingiv.: Gingivitis, Perio pocet: periodontal pocket, Horiz.: horizontal scrub, Interd. Br.: interdental brush, Inn. Front Tooth: inner site of frontal tooth, M: modification, Occ: occlusal surface, Br.tip: bristle tip, 45 dege.: 45 degrees, Interd.: interdental, Hardne.: hardness, Hypersen: hypersensitivity, Can: canine, Smal. Siz: small size, Bru: brush, Prox.B: proximal brush, Part.b: partial denture brush, Full Bru: full denture brush, Plaq. Rem: plaque removal, Prev. calc,: prevention of calculus deposit, Abrasi: Abrasion, Soft des.: soft brush, desensitization dentifrice, Desensit: desensitization effect, Habit Ch,: habit for child, Ging.Ma.: gingival massage, Prox cle: proximal cleansing, Periimpl: peri-implantitis.